The first couple of weeks before school begins and after school starts (I just realized that's a full month), are constant transition. I feel I did well with sticking to my health plan for the first two weeks then...everything went *kaplooey*. Here's a play-by-play of what I think happened...
new daily schedule for the kids, new daily schedule for my husband, which creates a new daily schedule for me, sports sign-ups, school paperwork X 3, busier kids, busier husband, increased need for Mom's taxi service, death in the family, old hurts surfacing, new and exciting class at my spiritual center, more homework than ever before, mind numbing electronics getting in the way of responsibilities, Mother-in Law in the hospital, managing MIL bills, banking, mail, apartment. family wedding out of town, the kids and I were hired to be extras on a movie shoot...till midnight, less sleep, good stress and bad stress effecting sleep and digestion, adjusting to faster pace, colder weather (this is a tough one for me) and less sun, blah da blah da blah da.
I didn't do a very good job of keeping my sleep schedule consistent, especially the evening of the movie shoot. (but, but...that was fun). My eating was not on track. The foods were but the timing was off and the amount of food decreased and my supplements were missed at times.
....And I wonder why I'm not feeling like myself...
I hadn't reached my 100% (I will), but I was heading toward a 30% ish increase in energy, focus and less pain. That's not too bad for starting at 0, and working with this new healthy living plan for about 6 weeks.
My self care got off track through the weekend and this is only one day of feeling like I hit that 0 energy. Today there were things I wanted to do but I made a promise, to myself, that I'd stay in bed, eat right, sleep and take the supplements on routine. Tomorrow, I'll ease myself back to doing a few things, although I totally want to jump into a full day of productivity. I know what my body needs, I just need to keep re-calculating to stay on track.
Thanks for reading, forwarding and following my posts!!
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