I just love being involved in a project! Especially challenging ones that encourage me to solve problems. For example, I don't have a meditation space in my home, so I've come up with this great idea to create an all season space in my yard. This is the perfect project because when complete, it solves a problem and I can research the how-to's of creating this all season, not permanent (we don't own the house), cost effective and off the grid space. I've discovered that I enjoy researching, inventing new products, and solving problems. It seems as though I'm pretty good at these things too.
The minor hiccup with my exciting projects is Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain and Brain Fog. I recently emerged from a foggy week and discovered a bag of knitting needles, beautiful wool yarn and a pattern for a great winter hat. My guess is this was one of those appealing projects I started in the early Winter months. When I found this treasure, I realized that it didn't seem very enticing anymore. Maybe its because we're just finishing up Spring (although it is New England and I may need a hat at any time).
Today, I needed to print out a picture for an audition I had (more to come on that in a future blog) and I came across all of our wedding photos. They're in the form of two discs, a memory stick and FB. We were married last August and I was so thrilled to create a compelling album. A fog must have rolled in before I could complete my mission. We even have this amazing picture of the rocks our guests signed that I planned (plan) to print on canvas to hang in our home.
Here's a job for another sticky note system! I could begin to list my projects on sticky notes so that when the fog and pain lift, I will be reminded of what I was in the midst of before the storm hit. It's not even that I ask myself what I was doing before the sticks hit the shredder and my body screamed, "get me to the bed, NOW!" I just start with the basics of cooking for my family, regaining some strength and then my brain clears. Once there's a clearing, I'm off creating more projects because I have no idea I already had some in process. I now understand why my follow through skills weren't very strong. Since I've never heard of this phenomena before, my creative brain will dub it, 'Brain Fog Re-entry Amnesia'. You wait, in a couple of years, the medical texts will be using this term. I should copyright it :)
Just so you know, if my daily blogging stops all of a sudden, I'm probably lost in a storm. No worries, I'll be back, but I may not remember that I was writing a blog. I'll be sure to initiate the sticky note system with this blog on the top of the list. If for some reason I misplace my sticky note, I'm relying on all of you to gently remind me of this blog that brings me so much joy to write.
Thanks for reading, forwarding and following!
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