Monday, June 24, 2013

Inspiration and Another Healing Song

This isn't just any song!  There's a story attached and it keeps getting more and more significant.  Calling All Angels by Train is a song I connected to during a time I felt stuck in the shadows.  The business I started, a yoga studio, was meant to support myself and my triplets.  At the time I was a single mom and needed to have the flexibility as well as the passion for the business I was operating.  Seasons of Yoga had both.  For two years, it grew and looked as though it would be the piece that was missing, financially in my family.  Then the fibro fog hit.  I wasn't even aware that my brain functioning had dropped.  I wondered why attendance was dropping and began to grasp at anything I could think of to save my business.  I made some poor decisions out of desperation, and I used credit to try to keep the business afloat. My business finances began to suffer and my personal finances began to suffer.  I was in a panic, I felt alone and felt there was no where else to turn.  I began to pray and one day, I heard this song.  Calling All Angels by Train, it helped me through, made me feel less alone and gave me some guidance.  I listened to that song over and over again.  Although, my business went into bankruptcy, my healing music, my family and my faith carried me through.

During the same time period, I was producing and hosting a couple of television shows at the community tv station.  One was a talk show called, Divine Time.  It focused on extraordinary people and their stories.  I wanted my guests to share how they came to be guided to the place they are currently. I wanted to know if they felt they were on their divine path and how did they found it?  Hearing these stories inspired me and my hope was that it also inspired my viewers.  One of my guests was an amazing woman named, Denise DeSimone.  Singing and spirituality were a couple of her passions, before I even met her.  My first introduction to Denise was at my spiritual center.  She was the guest singer and the song she sang was, Calling All Angels. A shiver ran through me and the tears began to flow.  At the time, I didn't know that her story would inspire me at a much deeper level than I ever expected  Telling you her story wouldn't do it justice, so here's a link of Denise telling her own story.

It's probably been about seven years since she was on my show and now I'm faced with an opportunity to heal my body.  Granted, I don't have a life threatening disease, but I still connect with her process, intuition and persistence.  Denise has been very busy since she's been cancer free.  She has written a book about her journey, From Stage IV to Center Stage.  I feel very strongly that her story can help all of us who deal with chronic pain, a change in lifestyle that we have little control over and so much more.

As a bonus to this post, my husband and I are in a position to have to replace one of our cars.  It's not safe and will cost us much more to fix than it's worth.  In the process of looking at all our options, none seemed feasible.  Just when I was at my wits end, Denise posted that she was selling her very safe, 7-seater, good condition car.  Everything about this car fit our needs.  Ray enjoys driving a large, solid car and the triplets are tired of being pickled in the back of my Prius. It didn't seem to meet my needs, as much, because I'm a carbon footprint watcher, save the trees, small living type of person.  Then, during meditation, it hit me.  It's the perfect vehicle for me!  Look at who's energy is in this car.  Look at what the purpose of this vehicle was.  She used it to travel from place to place to tell her extraordinary story of healing and it was packed full of her high energy books with the message of healing.  I can't even imagine the healing energy I can receive just by being in her car.

If you're interested in more information about the incredible Denise Desimone, here is her website

Thanks for reading, forwarding and following my posts!!!

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